Find Yourself Before You Try And Find Love (Short Blog)

Sometimes we look for love in all the wrong places; we seek to find ourselves in others. Sometimes it takes an unlikely someone to teach us one of the greatest lessons we can ever ex. From my past relationship, I have learned there is nothing greater than the love of God. Once you have acknowledged this, you will then realize the second greatest thing is the love of yourself. When you're young you're taught Cinderella gets her prince and you learn there is no prince. Nothing can prepare you for the reality that life and love is far more complicated than just wanting someone. These periods of pain, turmoil, and distress oftentimes teaches us something and can build resiliency, strength and/or character. There are different varieties of love, each requiring a different strength. Each display of love--for God, for mother, for lover, for sibling, all requires a different part of your heart. Whenever one is missing, you can feel as though a piece of yourself...