Relationship Advice: Reality Check Part Three

"It is through truly bad can we truly appreciate the good." --PrettyChiq Things are as bad as we make them; a relationship is no different! It is all based on our perspective. You miss the train or bus, you're annoyed. You miss the train or bus that gets into an accident and there are causalities, you feel grateful. You still missed the train. I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. I have learned some people rely on bad experiences to learn? My advice is to rely on the good and bad experience both....appreciate each step of your journey . I am saying, 'stop questioning things and learn to live with ease. Live in love, and be contented.' I can recall speaking with a friend of mine, and my friend was complaining about not being able to open up to her boyfriend. I believed my friend's boyfriend, despite their frequent ups and downs, was a good man and had the potential to be a great man. Based on the things she have tol...