10 Principles I Live By (Your Perspective is Everything)

I was having a conversation with a friend and she confessed she admired my discipline. My friend asked me something no one has asked me before. "Why does everything seems to work for you?" I did not know the response to her question and has thought about it for days. It was then that I realized, I am living my story and had no idea how I was living it. Never forget that! I have found the answer. It's all in the way I view things. I was taught by my father my most powerful tool is my mind. Daddy always says, "What you think, so shall it be. You are your thoughts." He is right. When I think positively, positive things happen visa verse. I believe if woman has done it before, I can do it also. If no one has done it before, with the guidance of God, I can do it! There are no limitations to what I can and want to do; my perspective is limitless. I have written this simple blog to shed light on the top 10 views I have. They are my views and are not definit...