10 Principles I Live By (Your Perspective is Everything)

It was then that I realized, I am living my story and had no idea how I was living it. Never forget that!
I have found the answer. It's all in the way I view things. I was taught by my father my most powerful tool is my mind. Daddy always says, "What you think, so shall it be. You are your thoughts." He is right. When I think positively, positive things happen visa verse. I believe if woman has done it before, I can do it also. If no one has done it before, with the guidance of God, I can do it! There are no limitations to what I can and want to do; my perspective is limitless.
I have written this simple blog to shed light on the top 10 views I have. They are my views and are not definitive but seems to work for me. I believe things can be applied to my personal and professional life both! Hope they help!

2. Everyone who smiles with you is not your friend or do they have your good intentions in their heart. I have learned the hardest way the people closest to me admires and grudges me the most. With this realization there's limits to everything. I limit my conversations, views and dreams...even cannot handle success....understand that.

4. Someone did it before; why can't I do so as well? I will not allow my weaknesses and limitations to limit me. My father says we are our biggest deterrents; if someone has one it, why can't we do it? I believe there is nothing, with greats sacrifice and discipline, that cannot be done.
5. Even limitations and flaws are strength. You are as strong as your weakness. Every bad experience and quirk you have can be monopolized and used towards molding a better version of yourself. I can honestly say some of my biggest issues or weaknesses have turned out to be things I have used or have given me a perspective that is not only unique but different. Different is good; flaws can be used positively to make a difference and influence others.
7. Treat yourself; a queen knows her worth! This may seem like the most silly advice but I'll explain why it's not. A person good, healthy self-esteem radiates confidence; people love positivity and confidence. I have never witnessed someone say, "Yeah, I want to be around her; yea the one with the frumpy posture, evident low self-esteem. Yup, that one..." In the quest to better ourselves, we limit negativity and negative people. For this reason, you need to treat yourself well. My mother believes a woman should set the standards on how she wants men to treat her by setting an example. Do not expect to be treated with respect when you do not or cannot respect yourself or your body. Get your hair done. If you're dissatisfied with your weight, loss weight. Do whatever it takes to build that confidence! It will show and people will recognize it!

8. If you want something, do not let your ego stop you. Go and get it! Most people miss their callings and opportunities because they are afraid. If you want a job; go and get it....find out the qualifications and become qualified. You want the man; go get him. If he's interested, fine; if not, even better for you...find one who is. Life is far too short to be upset or miserable and it is not stopping for anyone.
9. God is love; remember him in all you do, all you think and all you do not do. A true Christian lives in and with love. This is self-explanatory. In everything you do, bless it with the presence of God from relationships to jobs. Remember this, if the relationship or job is not yours, you will not get it. Just because you do not get something you want does not mean better is out there for you. Some of the things I did not get, I did not need. I got better; things I did not envision. A want/desire and a need are two different things; do not get them confused. God makes no mistakes and know best; everything happens for a reason to build a better you....do not miss out on the opportunity to grow and be better!
10. If you are to die tomorrow, can you say each day was lived and driven by a purpose? If not, get your ass up and start tomorrow! Live a life that is driven by a purpose. You may not know the exact purpose, but be open minded to change. You are destined for greatness so great you yourself cannot envision.
Do not give up hope my love muffins; life is far too beautiful to be lived in anger, hurt and pain!
Good luck on your success!