Don't Limit Yourself, Limit Unnecessary People and Things

So I'm one to usually write positive and encouraging things, but this post is necessary.

Some people are quick to say:

But really?

Life's rather funny. As one gets older, one is liable to come across different type or sorts of people from varying cultures. What remains consistent however within all cultures and races, is the ability for people to be completely self-centered, brackish and downright nasty. There is  nothing more discouraging and disheartening that being surrounded by such people. I am saying this to warn you, and so that you can protect yourself from now or to avoid such people--so when they try to hurt you, it wouldn't have such a big impact on you.


  • The Never-Me-It'-You Sorta Person: I have been unfortunately blessed with being surrounded by many people like this. These are people that cannot see the difference between being rude and being honest, who cannot tell the difference between right and wrong--when it comes to themselves. They continuously blame other their actions, and will always have a justification for the things they do. Honestly, being raised in the Caribbean culture, I'll say this type of person can be seen in the typical Caribbean family as the parent. Never wrong, always right, with a justification for their wrongdoings.
Response: It does not matter if you are a parent or not. But if you are, that does not give you an excuse to abuse your child(ren) in any way. It is a blessing to be able to flourish and nurture innocent and impressionable souls, but do not knowing break their spirits because someone broke yours. Make a constant effort to change that cycle. For everyone else who cannot seem to take responsibility for their shame, the harm you have done and is doing to those you love is extensive and completely wrong. Every relationship is to be worked at. No one is perfect, but if it's you--own up to it. Make a difference by trying to change. There is no way that ten people can have the same problem with you for the same reason, and it not be you--it is you!

  • The It's-All-About-Me-What-You-Said Sorta Person: I've been this person a couple of times to a couple of my friends, in differing times, and even recently. I am human also. I do know it's not necessary to be so self-centered all the time. There are times when this kinda behavior have caused me the possibility of helping others during the times they have needed me the most--and I cannot take back those lost times.
Response: When you care for others, there should be a level of respect and understanding for both parties. A relationship, irregardless if it's one of a romantic nature or not, is one in which people grow. You do not need friends that do not listen, and if you have those--step back and evaluate their roles in your life. You do not need to be someone that does not listen to others. The wiser of people are ones that observe and listen more than they speak.

  • The I'm-Going-To-Use-You Sorta Person: This opportunistic, and useless person, needs to be dropped. There is nothing wrong with relying on someone during a time of need. We have all done such and will do such in a time of need--it is the way things go. It is also necessary for us to help others back when necessary. It is wrong however to use others just because one can. These sort of people are ones that will use you to death. They will make sure that you are with nothing, these people you need to leave alone.
Response: When you love yourself, you will not allow anyone to use you without regards for your own hard work and happiness. You must take initiative to make sure that you are not being used. This kind of person will only know you or will know you the most when they need to use you. They feel obligated to the things you have, and for you to help them.

It is very disturbing to watch and listen to some people as they justify their wrongdoings. How can a person love you and so readily justify their wrong doings with nonsense? I am here to say, there is no justification for intentionally hurting those you love and knowing it. It is may seem find to justify your pain by hurting other people, but when they do the same to you, it's an issue? No, there needs to be a change.

How To Get Rid Of These Sort of People:
  • Limit them
  • Keep your distance
  • Call them out on their behavior and/or actions
How To Not Be Like These Sort of People:
  • Check yourself
  • Be aware of other people and their feelings
  • Realize when you have done wrong and own up to the mistakes made and change your habits

In order to be completely happy, one have to take one's life into one's hands. Do not allow yourself to be used, abused and mistreated. The people closest to you have the biggest impact and can hurt you the most. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO LIMIT THOSE PEOPLE, OR DROP THEM (EVEN IF IT'S TEMPORARILY). In order to become or stay the person you need and desire to be, you have to make tough and life-changing decisions. These decisions are ones that can forever change your life. Recognizing your worth, and acknowledging you are your own priority is necessary. This is something that you cannot forget. People seek to find others to blame for their own faulty decisions and shame. Do not allow those people however to bring you down and make you feel inferior to  what you are really worth and your happiness.
Just be cautious and be happy! Life is worth living and enjoying, do such! You are worth your own happiness!
Advice of the Day


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