Living with a Purpose

"If you are learning what your life. It is to create one."   --Unknown

"Beautiful people realize beauty is subjective, but they know their beauty is profound and unique. They are custom-made and one-in-a-billion. Their confidence does not reside in what other's say, but in their own views of themselves."                                 --PrettyChiq

I have too many friends who are constantly wondering why they hate their jobs and why they are not where they want to be. Many always ask me, "How come you're always happy and always have money?" My response is usually very simple. "I changed the way I look at shit." Huh? What? Gasps....Yes...change the way things look, and they're meaning and purpose also changes.

Steps to Accomplishing Goals are simple...

Wake your ass up every day with a purpose. And don't be an ass to say, oooo I'm going to save the world...That's illogical and senseless.
1. Make 3 long term goals for one year.
2. Under each of those long term goals, write 12 short term goals that can be completed.
3. Complete 1 short term goal every month, that's a total of 3 short-term goals a month.
4. Each month right those three goals down, and write the simple things that will motivate you to accomplish those goals and get them or get them done.

The purpose here is to take your life in little steps, rather than taking them in large leaps, makes it easier to recover from a small setback. If we all wake up everyday with a goal and a purpose for that day, then we would all be living purpose-driven lives.

Change in your damn perspective, and shit changes also. Every job, every bad experience, every fuck up is an opportunity to grow. Every thing you have learned is a vessel and opportunity to being where you would like to be in life. Successful and happy people take their downfalls and turn them into positive things. Those unwanted memories and experiences makes them stronger and more fortified.

Your purpose in life is not to feel incompetent and undeserving. In every successful loving relationship, we are to be 'help-meets' onto our significant others, helping each other meet our true potentials. We have to realize loving someone, wanting the best for them and catering to them, does not mean they will love or do they love you. They may never truly appreciate you and the wonders you have done for yourself.

Realize it is not you! You are wonderful and a caring person, the good you have done for that person may not be returned to you from that person, but may be from someone completely different. You have to let that person go! Someone that loves and respects you, will never treat you like you are not deserving.

I have exes that have been unappreciated to me. They always return, and that's not flattering. They will always return because they realize my worth and knows I am good. Knowing better, understanding my worth, I have left both my exes, and you should do the same. True love, real love, real men, honors, protects and respects their relationship (visa versa). They encourage you and supports your desire for growth. When they steal your happiness, preoccupy your time and mental space in an unproductive way, LET THEM GO!
Live, but live life cautiously and with a Purpose!

Advice 4 the Day:
Pretty women, are confident women, who confidently live purpose driven lives!

Good luck!


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