Who's to Blame (Relationship Advice)

"Relationships are what we make them, not what they are. If it is successful, it's because we have successfully worked at them. Relationships don't fail, the people in them do."

(Caution: This is not a solution to every problem, but it is honest advice)
Most women I know complain constantly about not having a man.
When they have a man, they complain about what he does and what he does not do.
I have a simple blog to change this cycle and give a solution to all the nonsense. The problem with the man, whether he is your man, someone else man you want because you've borrowed him, a fantasy man/crush, boo-thang, whatever category he may fall in your life, is not him, it is YOU!
The answer to most problems in any relationship starts with the person who has the conflict. If you didn't view it as a problem, then there is none. Clearly, however, if it is causing you some form of conflict, whether it may be ethical, emotional or whatever, then you need to find a solution. So what do you do?
You have to realize that a....

Without trust and loyalty there is no relationship! You two will not be able to relate to each other.
It makes not sense being in a relationship and not be happy, especially when happiness is so clearly a choice/option in any given situation.
The conflict with most people is not the person whom they are dating, it is whether they can accept that person for who he or she is. You cannot change someone, and people do not change easily. You can do the following:
  • Change your perspective
  • Find another significant other
  • Accept the person for who they are
  • Change yourself
  • Or compromise
Questioning your morals and ethical values is unacceptable. There are too many men and women out there to be stuck and unhappy with one. When one person may not cherish you, you may have and can find 20 who are willing to do such.
If you find yourself in the same cycle, with the same person over and over again, remember.....

When you love yourself first, you will never, EVER, give anyone the opportunity to
constantly hurt you and have you question your core self. Step away from the situation. Distance, time and patience can allow one to patiently deal with any problems you may have in a relationship.
What is it worth to love someone when you cannot love yourself? Or to love someone who so clearly or so blatantly does not love himself, much less love you? You are worth loving! Why should you  not be able to experience such lovely emotion and experience such joy?
What I am trying to say is this...No one is perfect. Changing the way things look makes life so easy going and positive. Instead of complaining about others, accept yourself and decide whether you want to compromise your beliefs and happiness for someone else..
Then and only then can your relationships make sense and flourish!

 Advice of the Day
Stop complaining what others have not done, cannot do and is not doing, do it yourself. Make yourself happy. Remember, no one is perfect. Never settle, but fix your perspective and the way things are will also change!
***Live Life, Allow Yourself to Be Loved!!!***


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