Wearing Your Scar

"Find something to believe in. And find yourself. And when you do, pass it on in the future."

I was talking to one of my best friends and big sister and she encouraged me to write about this. We were talking about our flaws and how far we have come into ourselves.
We discussed the importance of using your downfalls, weaknesses and misfortunes, and turning them into positives or to get positive results!
This discussion reminded me of something one of my patients taught me. Let me explain....
My patient was one of the strongest women I knew. Standing at a stunning 4'5, 89lbs, she was recovering from breast cancer, a survivor.
I was at the end of one of my visits and my patient said something I'll never forget. She said, "I wear my scars like they are the best accessories I have." I was stunned. She moved her very-well padded bossoms and said, "I get so much attention from the men now. Best thing ever happened to me." She had breast cancer, and won!
A healthy perspective is a beautiful thing. Despite what happened, she told me, she chose to be grateful and happy.
As people, we need to start learning to wear our scars as our best accessories. They make us unique, and if used properly can be vessels that help to change and influences lives.
If an old, frail woman, a warrior, can survive being posioned 3× a week, 17 medications, losing her womanhood, pride and identity in the professional world and smile proudly at her battle scars, then who are we not to wear ours.

Advice of the Day
1. Wear your scars as though they are your best accessories!
2. Realize, you are human, and failure is always an possibility. While it is possible, do not make it an option!
--PrettyChiq & Happy!


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