Recharge, Regroup: A Focus On Self Growth

"Sometimes its necessary to get away, clear your head. Once you step back from the situation, it makes more sense."
"You should wake up everyday as though you are your biggest priority. By investing in yourself and your future, you can ultimately make the world a bigger and better place with all you have to offer. Don't let anyone steal your joy, not one is worth the stress but you!"

Sometimes things are as simple as you make them.
  • There will be times when the world is closing in on you.
  • Deal with the circumstances that overwhelm you.
  • It is as simple as taking a break.
  • Take a vacation, get away from the stress. By stepping back sometimes, you can view things in a better manner. Even if it means a weekend, it is healthy to step away from your environment or situation and reevaluate what's important and unimportant to you.
"You are not weak for feeling and being human. Remember the greatest men and women in history had issues. It is not what happens, but what you do about it. Never ever let the simple things get the best of you, and when they do--step away."

***You are worth your own happiness***
People may not be there for you when you need them, so take care of yourself. Do whatever it takes, within reason, to secure your own happiness. Biggest mistake I have ever made was to sacrifice my happiness for others--they will not appreciate you or your decisions. By taking care of yourself over others, you have or will make the best investment a person can make--personal satisfaction and happiness!

Job Advice: Remember, not matter how great you are, you are most definitely replaceable.
  • Sacrificing your relationships, happiness, health or whatever is most dear to you is wise or smart. This is one concept you have to always remember.
  • I am not saying that you are not an important person at work and am certainly not saying you are not an influential person.
  • What I am saying is, celebrities are replaceable, presidents are--so are you.
  • Never sacrifice your core for success!
  • Do whatever it takes to be where you need to be, but know your limits!

Relationship Advice: Remember, no man or woman is worth the loss of your happiness!
  • Why sacrifice your health, hair and success for anyone? Especially someone that does not care enough about you and your happiness to do something as simple as change?
  • Step away from any relationship that is not conducive to your growth. Any person you are in relation with will help you meet your true potential.
  • Sometimes you need to step away from a situation to see it's not worth your time. Life is most definitely too short to be wasting valuable time loving those that love you back!
  • Remember: Holding onto fantasies and lies, only makes you delusional, and delusional thinking is nice. In reality, it causes hurt and pain!

"Remember, living a purpose driven life sometimes mean stepping away fr.everything and reassessing your life, goals and decisions. "
Live life freely, responsibly with the goal to ultimately fulfill your purpose. As you continue on your journey, never cease to remember you are worth every moment of happiness, pleasure and success in your life! People will not like you always, but you should and do not wake each morning to please others--let their negative opinions fall over your shoulder and to the ground where they belong.
My father have always told me, "You owe no one anything. People will always feel entitled to your success and your accomplishments, live your life for you. If you are able to empower and help others in the process, it is your responsibility to do such as long it's not hurting or will hurt you." Daddy's right. Help those when you can, but do not be foolish and sacrifice your happiness and time. In times when you are feeling overwhelmed when down, get away from that and recollect yourself, you are worth it!
***Have a blessed and stress-free life***


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