Repolish Your Life (Get Standards)
"You may think you can only live as you know how, but if you do not expose yourself to different perspectives, cultures and opportunities, how can you possibly live a life outside your comfort zone? Stop living up to your own standards and live above and beyond them! Boring and safe does not lead to unique future and successes!"
Was on the phone two days ago with a close friend of mine, and that conversation is the focus of today's blog. She said to me, "I'm so unhappy with who I am, don't be like me....(silence) My biggest regret is not doing--I felt as though I'd have more respect if I did that." It is irrelevant what -- is, but she clearly living her life with regrets and in her very own well-constructed hell.
In my mind that's pointless and stupid. Why would one choose to be miserable, when one can choose to do something about it? The only reason I can explain how to get your standards up is by telling you a story:Story time: There once was three men: one had a large house, the other an expensive car, and the last a chest filled with his most prized possessions in the world. The man with the large house had only the house, and nothing in it. The one with the expensive car only had the car and a few piece of clothing. Last but not least, the man with only the chest filled with his prized possessions had only that. In that chest of his was a large heart and faith. With this and his awareness about the importance of sacrifice and humility, that man was able to slowly but surely obtain a large house, expensive car and a lifetime of happiness. Sometimes it is as simple as just having the will power, discipline and patience to do something!

Advice of the Day
According to Webster's Dictionary, Standard (noun) have the following meanings:
1. conspicuous object (as a banner) formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a rallying point especially in battle or to serve as an emblem
2. something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example : <quite slow by today's standards>
3. something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality
4. a structure built for or serving as a base or support
Usually people lose themselves in life and life's regrets. Many people I speak to always talk about what they could have or should have done. Living in the past, allows you to continuously relive and keep those mistakes real. There is no growth, no change and no improvement if one cannot get past a rough time in one's life
I was always told, the mistakes one make are signs of a life being lived. No one except God is perfect, do not beat yourself up for being evidently human. It does not matter the person, everyone have one or ten things they wish they can have undone. Speaking for myself, it is the few mistakes I have made that have made me into the strong and confident woman I am today. I am not saying that every day is a perfect day--it is not! You, like me, will have have moments of weakness--acknowledge them and try to change those moments."Growth takes time. Standards are hard to upkeep, but you have to try. Building a strong foundation means standing for something.It is difficult, but nothing good comes easy. You are always worth your own happiness! Live, love and build yourself into the person you desire to be!"
Remember these important things:
- Repolish your life by knowing yourself.
- Take the time to invest in you.
- Stop trying to know others when you truly do not know yourself--it makes absolutely no sense
- People cannot respect you if you can and will stand for every and anything
- When you are sure of yourself, others will be sure of you. Things will work out as they should
- People want to invest in positive minded and secure things--if you are neither, people will see that and your life will reflect such. (I'm basically saying, get confident, people like it!)