Getting Back to Basics (Reestablishing yourself)

"There comes a point in every one's life where they plateau. It is up to that person to realize this, and change it! There is no reason to accept things the way they are when revolutionaries of the past have changed them! Get back to basics. If you are stuck in a rot, re-establish yourself, best investment your can make is in yourself!"

Stop making excuses for yourself and for other people. When life's so short, you need to remember things change. Your perspective changes as life impacts you. It is necessary for you to reestablish yourself and redirect your focus. I am not saying to change anything. All I am saying take time at least four times a year to check yourself and to make sure you are doing and thinking the right way to achieve your goals. In order for you to grow, sometimes you have to assess yourself and the things and people in your life and determine if they are indeed the right things and persons to be apart of your circle at the moment.

"I have learned that at different times in life we need different things and people by our side. You do not have to terminate any relationships or even cut anything out your life--put them in storage till you can find out where you want them."
People fail to realize, decisions are not meant to be made when emotions are high. Sometimes when things are put aside, you can focus on what's most important. Sometimes all you need is the will power to be and love yourself. This is highly effective, especially when you find yourself in a situation in which you feel entrapped. Get out! Be supportive of yourself first! Everyone will not be happy for you, realize that and know it does not matter and should not make a big difference in your life. 

You have and will outgrow certain things, and as such, should change them. You have to ask yourself:
  • Am I happy where I am and with who I am?
  • What can I do to change it?

If you are displeased with the answer, realize you have the power to change things yourself. You have the right reestablish yourself. It does not mean to change, but to improve what you already have--ultimately yourself!

Every day, there is something in your life you can improve upon. If you genuinely spend time putting in effort into your growth and your goals, then you are well on the path reestablishing who you are as a person.
  1. It is easy to find yourself lost in life. Sometimes things happen and you find yourself stuck.
  2. When you find yourself stuck, you usually know what it takes to change this cycle and unhappiness. Do not distress, take your time and write down your goals, what you have to change, improve upon and keep the same.
  3. When you have everything down on a paper, plan solutions or alternatives to each situation.
  4. Once such is done, research how to effectively accomplish each
  5. And....
  6. Set out to accomplish those goals!
Reestablishing yourself is incredibly exciting and rewarding! Do not fear change!
"Stop letting people and their actions or opinions control you or your life. If you have that much time on your hand to obsess or worry about others, you are clearly not living a productive life. Productive and successful people are too busy making things happen to worry about what's happening with other people and their things."

Change is always an exciting, yet scary part of life. I was always told, it is an opportunity to take what you already have and build upon it---aka get more happy and successful! Every single aspect of your life is a piece of a larger puzzle that can be used to build your empire/brand--you! Never give the power to your fears and destructive thoughts. If you truly love and cherish yourself, then you
will always be a priority!

My biggest mentor once said to me, "You should be able to use every quality, flaw and downfall in your life and turn it into a positive." This means everything must and should be used to better yourself. If a breakup hurts, write an advice book. You're talented at cooking, write a cooking advice column. Have a lot of anger, offer advice on how you effectively get rid of it. At the end of the day, you are worth your own success.
"Remember to invest in yourself. Reestablish and restructure your goals and views and live life! You're worth it!"
Advice of the Day


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