Et Tu, Brute? (Betrayal)

"Julius Caesar once said, 'Et Tu, Brute?,' and you too Brutus? If Julius Caesar was betrayed by those around him, even his closest friend, why are we so surprised when those closest to us stab us in the back also?"

If this is not a classic example in history of betrayal, then Luke 22:48 is yet another
Luke 22:48
But Jesus asked him, "Judas will you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"
The people closest to you possess the greatest ability to hurt and disappoint you. It is not because of their qualifications, but because of the role and importance YOU have placed on them. The expectations you may have of those persons may be too high and may not have been earned. In order to place people in our lives, we tend to focus on the features of things we find most attractive, beneficial or inspiring...many of times, we disregard what is clearly in front of us--that person.



 What have baffled many people that have felt betrayed is the realization that they truly did not know the person or people who betrayed them.

1. We tend to seek certain features, for whatever reason in people. Each person have something different to offer us. Many times, for reasons are at times unknown to us. These are usually qualities we lack in ourselves, and aspire to acquire for others or admires.

2. Also, when we allow these people in our lives or keep them there, we tend to focus on only whatever version of that person we have created. Being egocentric, we tend to believe that people we we envision them to be. Most of the time however, we are usually dead wrong. To add insult to injury, many people make themselves the center of that person world without inquiring if they are wanted or needed in that person's life.

3. We tend to not want to acknowledge people for who they truly are, and shows us. Once we have created that fictional person in our mind, or believe whatever fantastical story we have created, we disregard who the person actually is. It never crosses our mind that someone enjoy hurting others and do not care...That everyone is not blessed with the ability to be emotionally ensync with others. Another mistake we actually make is wanting to change others. If someone say they are a  bad person and we have envisioned them to be a saint, we automatically want to change their views of themselves.



A. People are who they say they are, believe them, but also watch their actions. It is easy to be hurt when we create versions of people. This is a problem because when we really do see people for who they truly are, it's too late--we have invested time and energy into that person. I do not view it as a waste however. Every experience is an opportunity for growth.

B. You never truly know people. There are too many different sides of people, that you WILL NEVER truly know someone. I.g. a man is different to his mother, as he is to his wife, his mistress, children, friends and the world. For each role, there is a different requirement and responsibility. The same goes for everyone else! Stop being surprised!

In the end, you can only be responsible for yourself. Stop trying to fit into everyone's life, maturity comes with realizing that one can outgrow something or someone, and letting that thing or person goPeople only hurt themselves more by holding onto something  or someone that have served it's or his or her purpose in your life already. What can be seen as hurtful to you is just normal for the person who have hurt you, shy waste the time investing in something now one else is worrying about? The biggest gift you can give yourself is learning to let go!

And remember....

***Acknowledging these things prevents one from feeling betrayed and hurt***
The definition of betrayal are as follows:
1. To be false or disloyal to: betrayed their cause; betray one's better nature.

2. To reveal against one's desire or will.

3. To lead astray; deceive.

We all use betrayal very loosely. If you choose to ignore the actions or words of someone, tend that person have not betrayed you. You have betrayed, deceived, yourself.

When we stop giving people this 'glorified' persona, and cease to create the fairytale endings, we are able to view people for who they are. There is nothing wrong in seeing the good in people, being optimistic. The problem arises when you are not also see the person as whole. There no such thing as a perfect person, we all are flawed, but when everyone can tell you something and you do not see it--your grasp with reality may have to be questioned...When we are people to see both the good and bad in people around us, it keeps us and them grounded--allowing for their mistakes to be less hurtful.
"We tend to want what we want, even at the cost of deceiving ourselves."


It is difficult to imagine family members and best friends stabbing us in the back, but if it happened to Jesus, you are not exempted. In every given situation however, you should be open-minded enough to expect people to be human; yet strong enough to let people go. . When someone closest to you hurt you, it is alright to cry, to hurt and to moan for a lost relationship and memories. It is unacceptable to allow such to deter you from living your dreams, and being happy.

When you are happy and confident with your life, you will intimidate many people. As things appear to be better, the persons who cheered your success are often the ones doubting it's continuance. Those who wished you well will secretly sneer a smile when you are down. While others who wish you ill-faith will continue to do such. These people should not matter, when you are living life for you because people are and will continue to be themselves. Oftentimes, it's not you, but their own unhappiness with their life! Change the way you look at things. When you have built a fortress of strong faith and discipline, the worst of situations can be dealt with ease.

While this is not a blog meant to through my religious views on my viewers, my biggest advice is to have faith. When all goes array, have to faith and understanding that 'after the storm, there will be a calm.' I was always advised, "nothing good comes easy. The better the it is, the more it pains." This remains true today. Life was given to be lived, and we all are created differently for different purposes. Never let people and their limitations to hold you  back. When they are unhappy for you, remember their bitterness and unhappiness with themselves have clouded their visions and their ability to know what bliss truly feels like--how can they ever be happy for you?

Never forget....

"Remember, Misery loves company. When left alone, she loves to gossip. Truly successful people do not talk about others and about doing things, they live and make those things happen."

Betrayal and deceit may hurt, but they are there to make you stronger once you have learned the lesson. If you do not learn from these things, you will repeat them. If repeating a cycle brings you comfort, continue as you are. If change is your intention, learn that while you may have periods of weakness, let things and people go! You should always be your own priority!

Advice of the Day

"It is alright to have moment of weakness, just do not make them excuses."

Live life in love, with love and for love--God is love!



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