Forget the Regrets!

"A regret is something that one holds onto but have done. I've always been told to never regret a decision made, especially one that cannot be undone. Life is to be lived, irregardless of what have happened, we have within our power to change what we can! Stop living in the past, appreciate your present and look forward to your future!" --PrettyChiq Irregardless of the situation or decisions one has made, we must be aware that it is human nature to make mistakes. No one is perfect, and regret is a natural part of life. Regret can be defined as the feeling of shame and guilt associated with an action, thought or lack of action or thought that one which can be changed. Too many people hold on to this emotion as though it is going to change the past. Like many others, I too have been faced with many occasions that I have come to regret. Holding on to many of those issues, I became depressed. Throughout this phase of my life, I allowed my...