Love Yourself (Focus on Health)

"A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life."
--Andrew Matthews

Today I had a big decision to make.
  •  It was one that forced me to choose between personal satisfaction and professional growth. 
I lay in my bed at 5 am contemplating whether I'd follow my professional pursuit today or was going to choose my happiness and health, more sleep.
The person I was a year ago would have gotten up without hesitation and marched to my meeting, my professional pursuit would of won without a doubt.
  • I would have disregarded my tachycardia, and  neglect my body's cry for the extra sleep. Health was not a priority of mine.
Despite being a nurse and knowing better, money, success and pursuing my dreams were more important. And then it happened, I ended up hospitalized.
I can tell anyone, it was not worth it. The satisfaction I received from academic and professional success has always been great, but at what cost? My health, life and ultimately happiness?
Advice for the Day
But have limits...
  • Know that you are important and make yourself a priority
  • What will you gain if you no longer have the ability to enjoy it because you are too sickly?
  • Success if a wonderful and fulfilling thing. Being at the top of your profession is very rewarding and pleasant, but remember to pace yourself. The quest for success ultimately is gain satisfaction, make money and be recognized and accepted. Neglecting yourself can prematurely hamper or hinder this

  • Love yourself, you are worth it! Individually and wonderfully made by God. Even if you are a twin, there is only one YOU!
  • Take a day or two to relax and reevaluate your goals. You mind is a powerful thing, what you think, you start to live. Your thoughts influence your actions and perspectives, and ultimately your life.
  • Write these goals down and believe in them. Seeing your goals on paper solidifies them and encourages you to believe in them and take steps to accomplish those goals.
  • Pace yourself. Pacing yourself allows you to appreciate the journey towards your goal. Many people who do not pace themselves oftentimes lose themselves along the way. Setting a pace allows you assess, evaluate and if necessary reevaluate your goals and decisions.
  • Go to the doctor. As you take care of your internal health, don't neglect your physical health also. You are a holistic person, an emotional, physical, and spiritual being. Take your vitamins.
  • Go to church. A solid spiritual foundation is imperative, it keeps you focused.
  • Go shopping, feeling good and looking good creates confidence and everyone feels better when they look as good as they feel. A nice outfit goes well with a great smile! 

Take care of yourself internally and externally! You are worth it!
Advice of the Day

Live your life, but remember to take care of yourself.
  • Stop dreaming, start living your desires.
  • One step a time is good.


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