Appreciation: The Simplest Things in Life Counts

"Sometimes in life, we must appreciate what we have
It's not till things are not what we would like them to be do we appreciate life
Life is too beautiful to not be happy!
Smile & live life responsibly!"

There is always something to complain about. I can list at least 10 things that I am displeased with. Thinking in a negative manner however is not conducive to a successful life or lifestyle. I have spent many years worrying about what others think, what they have do and do not do and how I can please others. Today however, I learned what true appreciation really is.
As I celebrated my best friend's birthday, her coming of age, I was amazed  by her love for the simplest things in life. We learn and' take different qualities and traits from our friends. It wasn't till today, did I realize I've learned the art of appreciation from my bestie. It does not matter the little you do for her, she is happy. She finds beauty in the simplest of things, and for this I admire her. After years of friendship, I have realized that this is one of the qualities I have gained from her.
What is appreciation?
1. Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things.
2. A judgment or opinion, especially a favorable one.
3. An expression of gratitude.
4. Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
5. A rise in value or price, especially over time.
What is the use of continuously complaining about life? Sometimes we are so stuck on what we do not have or what makes us unhappy. We do not appreciate what we have and the sacrifices we have made. This lack of regards for the things and people in our life makes it easy for us to be unhappy. When we cannot recognize the good in the simple things in our life, it is easy to not appreciate the little we do have.
A wise man once told a story...

Life is meant to be lived, enjoyed and appreciated!
Instead of concentrating on what you do not have,
What is wrong,
What can go right?
You need to focus your happiness, God's vision for yourself!
When you accept yourself and God's plan for you, happiness will surely come your way!
Someone once told me, it is the little things that builds the strongest of foundations. It is the little things your parents say that have the biggest impact. The smallest things a significant others does that makes you feel special or makes you feel worthless. The most innocent texts that can change the day. I have always known that the the small things, like all building blocks, that builds a solid foundation.
Appreciate what you do have and stop focusing on what you do no! Remember, what is for someone, he or she will have it! If it's a man, he will come back! If it's a friend, they will come to their senses! If it's a job, if you are qualified, you will get it! There is nothing that you are made for that you will not have. If you do not get it remember:
  1. You are not prepared for it. Stop trying to force things that you are not ready for.
  2. When you are ready for something, whether it be a relationship or a job, you will have it and it will be with ease.
  3. You have to pass certain phases and tests for every aspect of your life, if you are stuck at one phase, then that is the cycle you will continuously live. Keep on trying!
  4. Don't get accustom to the same cycle, but appreciate the little things you learn along the way. When you learn, you can bring about change!
  5. Remember, someone else did it, so can you! Believe and you will have it or it will be done
  6. Note: People are  not objects to be had or obtained, if that's what you want, remember they may want something else. Do not force what should not, cannot and must not be. When you force things, you force issues and problems to come your way!
  7. You are worth your happiness! Bask in it!

Advice for the Day
In order for life to be truly enjoyed, you have to let go of the thinking that have you thinking so limited! Why hold on to your old thoughts? Why think of yourself in a derogatory manner?
  • You are beautiful, custom-made to live a truly unique and different life
  • If God wanted you to be someone else, he would have made you that person
  • Never lower your standards to suit anyone or anything
Life is to be appreciated and enjoyed! Life it well, responsibly and as you must!


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