Lies, Liars and Deceit (Storytime)

"If I can deceive myself by doing what I thought I would never do, by saying the things I swore I'd never say, why would I put my trust and faith in others? Why would I be shocked and upset by the deceit and disregard of others when I too can and at times deceive myself?"

While this is true...

However, the bible clearly states...
While this true, it still hurts. No matter how many I have heard the saying, "actions speaks louder than words," I sought to fulfill what I lack within myself.  Found myself in many relationships, of an unromantic nature, that I alone valued. Seeking what? Validation, love, or affection? I knew many times I was lied to, not cared for, but the emptiness of not knowing one's self can cause any person to overextend him or herself. Remembering and reflecting on this period of my life, I have decided to share a story that an elder of my family always shared with me. The same elder who shared the story, turned out to be like the bird in the story I've taken time to write.
I have not always had this perspective, and it took many years and deceitful persons and circumstances that have given me a positive perspective. I learned that...


Story time
This is the story of a woman, a man and a frail little bird. This man was a hardworking man; he worked in the woods. Every morning before he left for work, he would say, "Trust no one, they may mean no harm, but they can unintentionally not-unharm you." The wife always sucked her teeth after he closed the door, and would say, "What a stupid man? 'Not-unharm me? He makes not sense!"
So one day, after her husband left for work, the wife sat in their living room and began to read her favorite book for the 5th time! Just when she reached her favorite part, she heard a little voice cry, "Help me, Please help me..." Her heart tugged; she felt compassion. Without any hesitation, she opened the door.
Much to her surprise, a little frail bird stood in the middle of the doorway. He was wounded, an injured wing bending downwards and a sad face to suit the state of the wing. She immediately felt his pain, and begin to take action. That woman bathe, clothed and fed the bird. He was clearly happier! He was so happy, they ended up exchanging cooking recipes.
It became dusk and the man returned home from a hard day at work. When he walked into the house and saw the bird, he warned his wife, "That bird does not belong in this home, he is a wild bird. He should do what wild birds do." The wife got up angrily and shouted, "YOU WICKED MAN, YOU MAN THAT LACK COMPASSION, this bird is my new friend. He needs my help. I helped him." The man shook his head and said, "Oh sheltered wife, your innocence and ignorance will be your downfall. I warned you." He said no more.
Days turned into weeks and weeks to months, the bird regained full recovery. He said to the woman, "Please open the door, I need to pick a berry." When the wife opened the door, the bird flew to get his berry. He ate his belly filled. As he flew back to the woman, he lamented viciously, "your husband was right, you should never have allowed me into your home, I am no ordinary bird, I am a vulture. I cannot help my nature." As soon as he finished muttering the words, he picked out her right eyes and flew away. The woman cried, "What have I done to deserve this? Why me? All I did was help that wicked bird."
Lesson learned: Those you help will not always help you, if anything, they will harm you (intentionally or unintentionally). Do not be naive. People are egocentric, seeking love, help and affection when they need it. Oftentimes, many people use the help of others without paying or of help to those who have helped them
My insight
I have learned from a young age, everyone I help will not help me. If anything, I have grown accustomed to being chastised by those closest and dearest to me. Why? There is something that's deeply embedded in people who are unhappy that subconsciously tries to keep or bring others down with them, at their level or lower.
Everyone is not as disciplined as I may be to disassociate myself from or cut some people or things from my life, but some of the concepts I use to stay strong are as follows:
  1. I am always aware that I have a purpose in life. Without a purpose, I am technically living a purposeless life, and that is unacceptable. I write these things down and internalize. I am very aware that my thoughts influences my actions and my actions can make or break me!
  2. Every successful person have long, short and shorter term goals. The purpose of having these goals is to set expectations and to reach them. I will reach them at all costs whether I have to sacrifice something dear to me. These sacrifices and strict display of discipline is not for selfish purposes, for my ego, but to fulfill what I believe is my purpose in life.
  3. In order to live up to my expectations, I know that many, if not most, people will not support or appreciate my vision or expectations of myself. Remember, people are intimidated by any display of strength and confidence. As such, they will say, do and at times will not do what it takes to assist you on your journey.
  4. I let people, things and certain thoughts go. How can I succeed thinking thoughts that are not conducive to my success or purpose?
  5. I always realize I am human and will have moments of weakness. I do not justify my actions, but try and change my destructive ways, learning every day, striving to be the best version of myself!

Remember,  it is human nature to err. As a result of such, you should always cautious. No matter how much you help someone, that person does not owe you anything. You made a choice. When you do not expect anything, nothing shocks you. There is no pain when they are ungrateful. The satisfaction from being humane is gratifying and fulfilling enough.
Lesson of the Day
  • Being that you know how people are, and have had much experience by now, stop playing the victim
  • Note people do not care because they can. Leave them alone and find someone, whether a  boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend or family member, that does care.
  • Stop acting like a cycle can go unrecognized. When you find yourself  in a cycle, stop complaining, know that you enjoy that cycle. If you did or do not, you would or will change it. Sometimes some situations does not cause any harm, they are just there...maybe you should let them be till you can find a reasonable and realistic solution
  • Everything happens for and with a purpose, learn from it!
Do not be a...
"You know better.
You see a lie
Acknowledge the life
But do not live a lie
Live the truth
Remember, you are custom-made! Unique and different! Embrace that! Live and live freely and responsibly!"
  • If that man can't and will not accept you, that is not the man for you
  • Remember, one man that's good for one woman is not good for the other, let him go and be with whom he is best withLies only breathes ugliness and anger. Why would you intentionally allow such ugliness into your life?
  • Stop questioning the way things happen
  • If you just had a break up, it's best you broke up or was broken up with than to be broken down
  • You are worth your own happiness, stop relying on others to give it to you when you cannot give it to yourself
  • If you do not know what you want, how can someone else know?
  • Remember once again, lies are rampant in our society, live the truth. You will reap what you sow!
Good luck!


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