
"Be strong enough to stand up for what you believe in
Bold enough to not care about what others may think
Being unique means being different
It also means knowing others cannot accept you or your beliefs
Everyone will not support or accept your vision
Believe in yourself
You are worth it!"
We give power to those when we forget who we are. Everyone is different, and while we may have respect for ourselves, we have a few people who we allow to get away with many things.
Everyone have one or two persons who the place on a high pedestal. For whatever reasons, we respect and honor the respect of those persons very much. Oftentimes, we forget ourselves, curb our standards and give those people much more room to disappoint us than we should.
Who are these people?
They are
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Significant others
  • Mentors
  • Celebrities
  • Anyone we admire
We tend to forget one thing however, they are human.
Being human means,

As such, stop putting these people on pedestals. They will disappoint you.
***To be human is to err***
  • Your parents are people, they cannot always understand your decisions
  • Your friends are human, they may not always support your vision
  • Your significant others are human, they may not always support you
  • You are human, you believe in people
One of the most recent and biggest lesson I have learned recently is I cannot live my life to please others. In our lives, some people are meant to only be around for a moment's time. Like Tyler Perry rightfully mentioned in one of his plays, some people are seasonal, temporary while others just have a cycle in your life.
Everyone is carefully placed in your life for a reason. When you acknowledge this and respect this placement, you can pay more attention to lessons learned than mistakes made.
With this being said, you have to learn when to let go.
The bible states a woman is to be a help-meet onto her husband. I'd expand this idea and go as far as to say, we are to be help-meets onto everyone we are in relationships with, helping each other meet our true potentials. If growth is not evident, positive and good things are not the final result, then those persons and things need to be pushed aside. Not forever, maybe for a moment, a day, a month, a year, or forever (perhaps), but you owe it to yourself to live a life with purpose!
You must and should:
He said it best...
You Must
  • Reflect on your life. Learn your strengths, own your weaknesses.
  • Truly great persons are more in tune with their weaknesses than their strengths.
  • To know and overcome what keeps you down, is to let go of the weight that prevents your success from flourishing.
With this knowledge of your weakness, you can allow your strengths to shine and consciously mold your life in a positive manner!



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