Enjoy Life, You're Worth It!

"Get up, Get out, and realize, you do not need to look outside yourself for happiness! Happiness is not only a choice, but it is within you at all times. Why not choose it 24/7?"
--Pretty Chiq

Perspective is everything! It is not what happens in life, but what you do about it!
I love my job currently. Everyday and in every situation, I am taught something. When there is an opportunity to learn, one ought to. So I have yet another story that changed my perspective of life. For this I am grateful for all my patients, good and bad, their struggles and victories humble me.
Yet another patient inspired me. She was 33 years old, with a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis, two total hip replacement, living a life plagued by constant pain. When asked, "how much is your pain today?" My patient responded, "A 9, I'm accustomed to it though nurse, nothing I can do, at least I can feel."
I was floored, humbled and shocked. My next question was, "When was your surgery?" She said "Thursday." (4 days ago). I replied, "What medications are you on?" She said, "Percocet, nothing works, I am always and constantly in pain. There is nothing no one and nothing can do. When I stop feeling pain, I know I'm dead, and I'm not ready to give up yet."

Humility is the lesson learned that day. How dare us complain about our few pimples, broken relationships when we are in perfect health while others have lost limbs, body parts, have been cut open and/or feels intractable, constant pain?

I left the home of my patient feeling extremely overwhelmed and ashamed of my ungratefulness. I bought myself a cupcake, and went to yet another patient of mine. Majority of the visit was uneventful, I took her vital signs, assess her home and had a few other questions to ask before I was done for the day. After assessing her and implementing my nursing actions, I had to ask her a few questions and the conversation went something like this...:
Me: "Are you depressed?"
Patient: "No"
Me: "Suicidal thoughts?"
Patient: "No"
Me: "Homicidal?"
Patient: (Laughs) "Naaaahhh"
Me: "Are you happy? How are you feeling today?"
Patient: Silence
2 minutes passed. My patient broke down crying. I did what any reasonable person would do. I gave her a hug. There is nothing more comforting than a nice big hug. My patient cried for what seemed like 5 minutes (I can be exaggerating, but it seemed so).
When she  was done, she wiped her eyes and said, "Since I became sick, no one have genuinely looked me in the eyes and asked me how I'm feeling."
I was so surprised.
She continued, "No I'm not depressed nor do I want to harm myself or others, but despite the what seems like 100s of doctors and nurses I've met, no one seemed to care about me as a person. I didn't even realize I felt this way (she laughed). I'm so sorry nurse for crying all over you."
I was touched, then it hit me. We are all living lives doing our jobs, striving for success, and we sometimes in the process loss our humanity. The simple gestures in life as the most appreciated. Asking someone how his or her day is going makes a different. Hugging a loved on a placing a simple kiss on their cheek can speaks volumes, actions that words cannot contend with.

I am challenging you to let go of your anger.
  • Despite how difficult life is, appreciate your health (the one you have good or bad).
  • Realize things can always get worse, so take time to care for that which you have; your body and soul.
  • Send meaningful texts and make a few phone calls.
To this day, one of my biggest regret is taking my cousin for granted. I wished I mature enough to make a simple phone call. No matter how young or old we are, life, happiness and health are not promised forever. We must cherish that which we have and find the beauty in it.

Advice of the Day


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