Confidence (Regain your swag)

"People will always try to break you, the things they do should not make you. When they do their acts and talk their talks, you let them slip, slide and fall, like trash's suppose to the ground."

Never, ever ever let people get the best of you. One of the key components I have mastered that have allowed me to stay happy is to never let my adversaries see my weakness. Instead of giving anyone the satisfaction of knowing they can and/or have hurt me, I prefer to remove myself from a situation.

My advice is as simple as this. The true way to maintain your happiness is to pace yourself. Once you realize you are you, and you will realize you, and only you can set a pace that will maintain your happiness.You will no longer be envious of others as a result of such. Success and happiness comes at a different rate for everyone. Some get success earlier and stay in the same spot while others work slowly and obtain a greater success. Stop comparing yourself to others and enjoy your life, things will get more complicated and difficult.

"Your only weakness should be your strength, you should be strong enough wherein you cannot be broken, yet soft enough to be hugged."

Based on my previous experiences, I can honestly say, when you are living your life, people get envious. They will want what you have. Many of them will never  understand or know the sacrifices and difficulties you have faced to obtain what you have. As a result of such, you should be proud. You have accomplished things many have not and wish to no matter how little.People who seek instant gratification usually face instant demise, never fear competition. To fear anything or anyone short of God is to give that thing or person power. No one deserves so much power in your life but God (after all he's the one we're always praying to and is always there for us).

Let the confidence shine through! If Oprah, Henry Ford, Madam C. J. Walker and the other successful persons feared their competitors, they would have never achieved or will never achieve what they want to.

Remember at all times!

How do we break this down? It's rather simple....

Ever been in a situation where you feel helpless and tired of the cycle? It does not have to be a relationship or friendship, it can be your life in general. I have some simple advice to give you to regain that confidence.

Change up your Swag

First of all, what's SWAG? It's Serious Will-power over  All Gazers. What does this mean? It means it's the will power to rise above all the people that want to gaze instead of act. The only way to do this is to actually love yourself. If someone is to come up to you and ask, "do you love yourself?" Will you look at them if they are crazy and have to seriously think about the answer? Just as quick you'd answer if you're a man or woman, gay or straight, healthy or unhealthy, you should know wheather you love yourself or not. You should take it a step further and actually do that.

In order for you to change your game up, you have to realize you have 'gazers' in your life. What is a  'gazer'?
  • A person that have all the dreams, talks but does not have or know how to live up to their desires. Usually those are persons are willing to bash anyone doing better or are different from themselves. These are usually persons who gets satisfaction from the attention they get now that they have never had before, and have deeply rooted issues that stems past their desire for success; they are just searching for love.
  • A person who claims to be but is not, but delusionally wants the world to believe so. Usually these are very empty and unfulfilled persons that both finds and seeks validation from others
  • A person that does absolutely nothing. These are persons that have no or little will power, who have given up on life. Usually these people are depressed.
What does this mean? Limit a few of these people in your life. My father always said, "Show me your friends and who you associate yourself with, and I'll show you who you are." There is no secret that successful people hang together as destructive people then to gravitate towards each other. Honestly, if you have a group of aimless people in your life and are feeling depressed; chances are those same people are weighing you down.

When it comes to life, there is no such thing as being nice or mean. There is only the concept of survival of the fittest. Help others while you can, but better yourself. If it means sending a memo to certain people, make sure you send it in many different forms.

"No one loves a person that does not love nor respects him or herself. Saying one thing and doing another is a sign of weakness and profound stupidity. One respects a naive person over a conscious fool any day."
This concept applies to relationships and the professional world. Confidence shines and people invests emotionally as well as physically in something that they can benefit positively from.

Advice of the Day

I am going to say this: If you have any ounce of self-love, do not be a gazer.
  • Watching others only will make you doubt yourself.
  •  Things are never as exciting and as happy as they seem. In these times of media and manipulation of the cameras, we all know a very sad occasion can be snapshot to look quite merry.
  • If you have to block people, delete pages, change your number....out of sight, out of mind...

In the meanwhile, you must realize this....

You bask in your success. It's not boastful, you have earned it and have the right to be proud. Those who are not happy for you, are not because they are unhappy with themselves. I always ignore, delete, block and continue to live my life. Remember you do not wake up every morning to please others."

Being a young woman who is sickeningly fond and sure of herself, I have many haters. A book I've read as well as the bible, both states, "what's in the mind, so shall it be and manifest."
  • Never fear the thoughts of weak people. As long your thoughts and faith are stronger, theirs will never affect you
  • Realize it is human nature to be envious. Being it's simple, ignore the nonsense, you are too busy building yourself to play games
  • Realize you are above anything that does not contribute to your goals. Staying focus has always been the key to a healthy and prosperous life.

A family member always told me, "live life as though you are starring in your very own movie. You walk as though your shit don't stink, with your head high and shoulders straight. You're royalty." Why not? Why not carry yourself like the unique creation that you are? Is it wrong to be confident and sure of yourself? It is not your fault other persons are not sure about themselves....

Coco Chanel said it best,

Why not walk as though your shit don't stink and as though you can do no harm? Are you not the only person writing your script? It's as simple as this:
  • You delete players and actors from your movie
  • You change whatever you'd like, it's your investment and you are the only person benefiting and gaining from it
  • You dress exactly how a movie star should dress. You go, get your hair done, nails done, buy a new outfit, put on your best shade of lipstick and most uncomfortable shoes (why, when you look good pain does not matter). Why? You feel how you look, carry yourself sloppy and you'll feel sloppy when your gazers, haters and watchers do things to hurt you
  • You surround yourself with positive people. You may not even realize it, but if your friends make you feel bad about yourself, limit your interaction with them. You need to feel important and self-sufficient at all times.
  • Realize that you are worth every phone call, job interview, compliment and text someone sends. After all, everyone admires confidence (I have never heard someone say, I so desperately want to be friend with that person with the low self-esteem that walks with slumped shoulders).

Never ever let people see you down, it can be the saddest moment in the world. Reapply your lipstick and smile

Everyday will not always be a great day, but you must stay focus. Having a vision with the faith and desire to fulfill that dream will go a far way!

Never forget where you come from, where you are and where you're headed!



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