Forget the Regrets!

"A regret is something that one holds onto but have done. I've always been told to never regret a decision made, especially one that cannot be undone. Life is to be lived, irregardless of what have happened, we have within our power to change what we can! Stop living in the past, appreciate your present and look forward to your future!"

Irregardless of the situation or decisions one has made, we must be aware that it is human nature to make mistakes. No one is perfect, and regret is a natural part of life. Regret can be defined as the feeling of shame and guilt associated with an action, thought or lack of action or thought that one which can be changed. Too many people hold on to this emotion as though it is going to change the past.

Like many others, I too have been faced with many occasions that I have come to regret. Holding on to many of those issues, I became depressed.  Throughout this phase of my life, I allowed myself to feel the pity, shame or guilt that was associated with my regrets. To this day however, I could not and cannot change any of them. That which was in my power to change, I tried, the rest remains in the past. As a result of such, I have come to the conclusion that it is within my power to change my future, and in order to do so I would have to let go of my regrets.
I had to realize....
I had to let go!
True profound happiness comes from finding oneself. Finding yourself does not mean being the top of everything or having everything, it means being 100% happy with what you do have.
It is the understanding that things can always be worst, and the acceptance that one can ultimately change it with dedication and planning

I drawn the conclusion that nothing matters unless one can change a cycle or mentality. A month ago certain situations bothered and affected me, today they do not. Two days ago other things affected me, today they seem minute to the decisions I am forced to face make today and tomorrow. The reality is that things are only as important as we make them.

Let me give you an example: A girl loses her watch to a bully. She can cry about it. She can fight for it. She can let it go, and allow the bully to have something she has already enjoyed and no longer wants. The next day, her father bought her a better watch. This example can be applied for everything, relationships, material things, friendships....anything.What you lose today is nothing in comparison to what God will bless you with tomorrow? He tests you and always upgrades you once you have passed the tests.
My advice is, do not allow yourself, others or your fears to limit your blessings. You are worth your own upgrade in life. Trust in the God, he will guide you and allow you to truly grow into yourself.
Remember, everything that comes into your path, everyone that comes into contact with you are there to teach you something. You are to learn something from every experience, making yourself better.

I'm not saying forget your past. I'm merely advicing you to forget your regrets, remember your mistakes and prevent the same thing or cycle from happening again. One can only grow with a changed perspective and a positive mentality. You are worth investing in yourself. Do so, and do so with pride!

Advice for the Day
"Everything is a lesson. Learn, grow and let go! When you let go, you go into a better place."
"Enjoy your life, you are worth it!"


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