Build Yourself (A Strong Foundation is Everything) [REVISED]


"Getting angry is actually punishing yourself for the actions of others."
Never let people get under your skin. Do realize, no matter the age or intellectual dexterity of the person who has gotten under your skin, some people will not grow up nor do they have the emotional sensitivity to be anymore than what they are.
I have come across many emotionally insensitive and troubled people. As a result of their pain and shame, they desire that everyone around them must also be miserable. I knew someone once asked me, "why are you so damn happy all the time, it's annoying." I cannot understand why and how one cannot be happy, when one is living life with a clearly defined purpose.
People are not going to change, because they do not want to.
  • If anything, realize those miserable people want you as angry and as bitter as they are. Never give anyone or anything that power, they are not worth it!
  • They cannot appreciate life because they do not have clearly defined goals
  • Because they do not have a purpose or a clearly defined purpose in life, things tend not to go as they would like. As a result of such, they will harbor a resentment towards those who are going or doing what they would love to


If you are one such person, it is OK. Sometimes we find ourselves lost in situations and other people's lives and happiness. Whether lost or not, it is never too late to be clearly and definitively happy.
  • Realize that everyone matures at a different rate. Give yourself time to heal and forgive yourself for being human
  • Appreciate your differences and instead of looking at your life as time wasted, look at it as time well invested in yourself. Maybe you needed those years to develop a certain core that would be conducive to your success. A healthy perspective is everything!
  • Develop a damn purpose. How can you live a successful life without a goal, vision or destination? Successful people have goals and dreams, and they work towards that goal
  • All this happens when you write things down, research what you must, call up places! RESEARCH your goals, LIVE your life, are you not worth it? A plan is always the first step to living a goal/dream!
"Holding onto nonsense makes no sense; live sensibily." 
If you are that person who people seem to isolate, speak down to or talk about, be honored! You are extremely important, and are doing what it takes to develop a healthy fan base.
  1. You have to realize, when you are living a unconventional life, conventional people will criticize. Average folks think average thoughts and socialize with other average persons with average dreams. They are not worth getting upset about. You pity those without a vision, the blind, for they are lost
  3. Do not change yourself to suit anyone or their expectations of you. God will not and did not make carbon copies or things and people without a purpose. To not fulfill his will is blasphemy, and everyone knows the human flesh is weak. You must maintain your composure, character and faith, even in times of disdain.
  5. Forgive the haters. When people hate, it is the weakness or lack of confidence in them that would do that. Truly confident and successful people appreciate and applaud success and innovation. Don't limit your thoughts, yourself and your success because of anger or hatred
  7. Boost your own confidence! Recognize the quote,"the road to success is a lonely road," is true. Embrace it, take time to find yourself (it's all in how your look at the journey). It's only lonely because you have to fortify and build yourself solid for the trials that lay ahead
     "Let go of undeserving persons and their ways, people can be dead weight on your success!"
Advice of the Day

To all other curious minds.
  • Do not let others limit you and your possibilities. It will be the closest persons to you that will hurt you the most. The ones most distant will not hurt so much because you do not care or have place much trust in them.
  • Be happy, you are worth it! Remember: There is only one you, and you are always with yourself. Be your best friend, and only then will the actions of others not affect you so deeply.
  • Pardon everyone and everything, focus on your success, happiness, and health (emotionally, physically and spiritually)
You are worth loving, love yourself! You deserve to be happy, choose it!



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