Disregard the B.S. and B(e) S(trong)!

"Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones that we feel it, understand it, accept it, and learn from it"
Keep your head up
Keep your heart strong
Today was a very difficult day for me. Yesterday was wonderful, today was extremely trying and discouraing. Every and anything that could go wrong, went wrong. Patients were no where to be found, and my phone would not stop ringing. I felt overwhelmed; I wanted to slide into my bed and cry.
I needed...
There was nothing I could do but call my supervisor and one of my mentors. She said to me, "This is not worth you getting yourself worked up." She was so calm and so unaffected by what I was so clearly upset about! She calmed me. Her perspective was inspiring, nothing ever seems to bother her. 
I realized, I needed to practice what I always preach. My perspective  needed a serious makeover. There was nothing I could have done about the situation. The decisions to be made were difficult, but were definite, and I needed to act and act quickly. Getting worked up was not going to do anything, and could have made a bad situation even worse.
I knew then, being angry was not going to solve my situation. I picked myself up and regained my composure. My confidence came back and I applied my lipgloss and bloated my nose. After I ate my fruite snack and dranks some water, I felt perfectly fine. My energy returned, I looked beter and all was well!
When people try to control you, whether it be via emotional satisfactions, material gains etc, you need to realize one thing....IT IS YOUR DECISION TO ALLOW THEM TO BE THAT POWERFUL IN YOUR LIFE! When those things no longer mean anything to you, or your standards and priorities are different; things that seemed so important look so simple and stupid.

There is nothing more rewarding and calming than realizing the strength in yourself.
  • No matter the situations and trials you have been forced to overcome, you are and have been strong enough to  live with them or overcome them
  • You need to smile and be strong
  • When everything is looking bleak, realize that there are always a solution to every problem. Some things you can change, and others you have to accept and change your perspective!
The B.S. will always continue. When people can use you, whether intentionally or unintentionally, they will. If they can benefit, they will take the opportunity, hoping you are not hurt in the process.
It is your job to be your biggest advocate. Protect yourself both physically and emotionally.
  • You are worth your own happiness.
  • Take time to breath when your day is going badly. (If you must call a friend, write down your feelings in your phone, buy a candy bar, go for a walk etc.)
  • Remember, being human means you make mistakes, you get upset and things happen. When all blows up, excuse yourself from the situation. Hang up the phone or leave the situation
Remember no matter how upset your are. You are not weak.

1. You must forgive people for their stupidity
2. Forgive yourself for being human and having bad days
3. Remember that B.S. can be viewed as two ways, Bull**** or Being Strong.
4. Your perspective means everything
***Don't let the nonsense and the B.S. stop you from being happy***
Solutions to your daily annoyances are rather simple.
  1. Realize everyone is not going to like your personality! You are custom-made by God, special and unique
  2. Realize that everyone is not going to consider your feelings at all times, when they are too busy worrying about themselves. Pardon them, be empathetic, but live your life and take care of yourself.
  3. Note that B.S. happens every day, B(e) S(trong), find something to look forward to. Make plans to treat yourself, find something positive to look forward to (whether it's a weekend getaway, a nice cup of tea, anything)
  4. There is a solution to every problem and every messed up day.
Walk with ease, do not let anyone or anything get you down.
"This is not worth you getting yourself worked up over!"
Advice of the Day

Don't let weak minds break you down with their discouraging words and perspectives!


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